Green Tea and Tilapia Consommé
This is a super simple dish but it does require a little time and concentration.
Dough for dumplings (use a good quality storebought one).
Salted and smoked duck breast
Dried coriander
The broth
Tilapia bones
Fresh tea leaves two big handfuls
Egg whites from 10 eggs
Black pepper
Flavor greens
5 spring onions
Small handful wild garlic
200g White radish
10p.White carrots
Red amaranth leaves
Fresh Basil
The soup
(not yet clear, so just a soup).
For 5 pers.
Bring 2,5 liters of water to the boil. Ad the bones of five fresh tilapia to the pot (always make sure beforehand that all your ingredients will fit the pot, and that you leave around 1/3 of space free in the top),
Wait one minute and then turn down the stove to low-medium, you just want a slight simmer.
With a spoon make sure to clean your broth, removing the foam and fat that rises to the surface.
Clean and chop the greens in small pieces, leaving the herbs and tea leaves.
Add the green to the broth.
Simmer for 1 hour. Remove the fish bones carefully so they do not break and leave a lot of discards in the broth.
Season with salt and pepper (clarifing will remove some of the flavor, so use a little more seasoning then you normally would).
Add the fresh tea leaves and leave it to simmer for another 40 min.
Turn the pot down to low heat, while constantly (slowly) stirring the broth with a spoon or ladle. Add the eggwhites to the pot and stir slowly for 10 minutes.
this is clarifying…. when the egg whites start to coagulate or harden the capture and seal in all the impurities in the broth or soup.
After 10 minutes leave it to settle on the low heat and all the “goo” will rise to the surface.
Carefully strain the broth through a wet linen or clean cloth. You will now see that the soup completely clear.
Garnish: Dried/roasted herbs
Get yourself some basil and amaranth leaves. Thinly cover them in coconut or plant oil, using your fingers or a brush.
Place them side by side on a plate and zap them in the microwave for intervals of 30 sec.
You will see them crisping up. Once they are crispy, remove them from the plate with a spatula or knife, and leave them to cool and harden on a piece of paper .
You can also bake or fry the leaves.
Roll out your dough as thinly as you can, and cut little circles with the desired diameter.
Place a small spoonfull of filling in the middle and fold up the sides around it like a taco.
Close the dumpling by pinching the two sides together, moving from the top to the bottom of the folded opening.
Steam the dumpling for 1 minute just before serving.
Use the ingredients as you prefer. Maybe experiment with chili for heat and mango for sweetness.
Finely chop or mince 1 smoked duckbreast.
Mix the meat with grated beetroot, finely chopped mango, chili and a good pinch of dried coriander.
Serve the dumplings in a bowl or deep plate with the crispy herbs and the consommé in a teakettle.
All of the above can be prepared in advance. You can even keep the soup in a thermos and just steam the dumplings when your guest are seated and ready to eat.